'I found one sweatband to rule them all' - Wired Magazine Read More
Whether you are a runner or a weightlifter, the last thing you want is sweat falling into your eyes. While you may be thinking that headbands are only for guys with long hair, TreadBands men's workout headbands are the perfect solution whether you've got long hair, short hair, or no hair at all. We looked into every headband that claimed to be “guaranteed” to work, “guaranteed not to slip” and like you, were disappointed. We studied the geometry of tread, we studied how tread works and developed: our patented TreadGripStrip, a grip strip that mirrored a tire but was made of a soft foam that cushioned the head. We tested our theory and put the idea to work. We received rave reviews from team sports and hard-core athletes that were shocked that their headband actually DIDN'T SLIP!
Committed to becoming a USA Made product we settled our roots in Pennsylvania to begin our adventure of creating a superior product in 2015. Years later, we've won a few awards for creating "the best headband" ( 2020), brought all manufacturing and assembly to McSherrystown, Pa and expanded our company to include scrunchies and thanks to COVID, non-surgical masks and gaiters with our patented TreadGripStrip.
We invite you to cast all your doubts aside and believe there truly is a company who has invented the non-slip headband and give us a try. Afterall, not all headbands were created equal.

12 products